Selasa, 1 September 2009


Sheng Siong... segala untuk kamu.

boleh ke aku yakin?

semalam aku belanja di sana.
mencari bahan pesanan nenek.
apa aku cari? sebungkus lada hitam.

A: you know where i can find black 'pepper'?
P: black 'paper'?
A: yes, black 'pepper'...
P: no sell black 'paper'.
A: you don't sell 'pepper'?
P: we have 'paper' but no black.
A: (bengang sekejap) you have 'pepper' but no black 'pepper'
P: yes, all white 'paper'
A: how come you have white 'pepper' but no have black 'pepper'?
P: yes. all white only no black selling. boss no order black 'paper'
A: ok... (masih bengang)
A: where i find the white 'pepper'?
P: there, you go that side... many have... (sambil tunjuk ke arah perkakas rumah)
A: (dalam hati) mampos, boleh mati.
A: you sure?
P: yes! many have. white 'paper'
A: (selamba... - aku mimik watak orang bersin kena 'pepper')
A: that one you know? achoo...! achoo! (mimik lagi watak orang bersin)
P: Oh... that one haaa?
P: you must go down, basement have market area.
A: oh ok... so achoo-achoo downstairs?
P: yes.yes!
A: ok thanzzz eh...

so moral oh the story?
lain kali aku tak mahu sebut 'pepper' sebab di sangka 'paper'.

sekarang aku nak pergi cari achoo-achoo.

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